
The Epiphany…

Happy Epiphany! Today, we are celebrating the journey that the Three Wise Men made to see the infant Jesus and the precious gifts they brought Him. This important, but often overlooked, holiday reminds me what precious gifts I should bring to my faith…and by extension, what I should bring to my writing.

Some of my Epiphany relfections for writing :

  • Am I setting aside the proper amount of time each day to further my goals?
  • Am I nurturing my passion for writing?
  • Am I being intentional?
  • Do I bring my finest gifts? Those things in life that are precious and rare? My time/commitment, love/passion, and care/intent.
20 + C + M + B + 19

Aside from everything above, I’ve spent a significant amount of time planning, plotting, and organizing this week. Not as much actual writing as I would have liked (only about 750 new words), but Scrivener is rearranged how I need it and the plot/order of my story has been overhauled top to bottom. It’s daunting to scrap entire chapters, even if they aren’t really in the trash, but it’s almost done and I finally feel at peace with the new direction the story is heading. This was my first real challenge in my “writing scared” commitment for 2019.

It’s going to be a crazy week ahead as we go back to school, dance, and all of our other activities, but by Tuesday I will be ready to simply write; other than homeschooling, I cleared my schedule on Tuesday and Thursday. It will make for a jam-packed Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I need a solid chunk of time to focus uninterrupted – or as uninterrupted as I can get with 3 kids at home, one being a 5-year-old with no off switch.

All in all, it was a productive and insightful first week of 2019!

Happy Epiphany & Happy Writing!

6 thoughts on “The Epiphany…”

  1. It seems like you’ve tackled “writing scared” head-on, Kellie. Good for you. It can be hard to let go of the “darlings”, but like you noted, they aren’t actually gone, just moved to a different home, of sorts in Scrivener. And now your story gets a new way to shine.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Three Kings’ Day! I’m originally from Puerto Rico, so we go all in for the Epiphany. I’m glad my Church kept all the Holiday decorations up. It was a beautiful mass.

    Organizing and planning are essential parts of the writing process. They make everything flow smoothly. Good luck getting back into a routine. Staying at home with the kids and writing isn’t an easy task.

    Have a nice week!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for reminding me about those Wise Guys. I blogged about Gift being my word of the year and totally forgot the significance of those visitors bringing gifts. Thanks!
    Have a great and not-to-crazy week.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Does ANY five-year-old have an “off switch?!” Mine sure didn’t!

    Homeschooling is something else we have in common, though, as radical unschoolers, life and learning are so intertwined there’s no “homeschool time” – or it’s ALL “homeschool time”, take your pick.

    My 17 year old son has graduated, and my daughter, at 14, is a newly minted “high schooler” – not that she really cares about that at all as she goes about her passion-filled life.

    I can promise that the time invested when kids are younger pays dividends in time and freedom for more of your own things as they get older. I didn’t get much writing at all done until the kids were 8 and 5 – but, from there on, it has gotten easier and easier. One of the best things I did was read them a rough draft of a fantasy novel I had just finished. It has a Shakespearean time travel subplot, and the MC is a young girl, and a shapeshifter. It was rough, but they loved it and offered some wonderful suggestions.

    And they finally started to understand that I wasn’t just typing on my laptop or scribbling in a notebook – I was creating worlds!

    After that, they were a lot more willing to give me the odd moments for writing, and those have stretched out as they got older.

    Best of luck, and happy Epiphany, to you!

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