
Writing Scared Since 2019

row80logocopyIt’s official, 2019 is my year of writing scared!!! This may seem an odd thing to be excited about, but there it is. I’m ecstatic! So, why write scared? It’s more of a promise to myself than actual fright, even if there IS some level of hesitation rolling through me. It’s about pushing limits, trying new things, and owning what my mind creates.

To be a little more specific, writing scared means getting out of my comfort zones, taking my writing from a “hidden pursuit” to one that demands accountability, and confronting topics and styles I’ve avoided at all costs…even when the story demanded such a turn. Writing scared is writing with no regrets. If last year taught me anything it’s that we always think we have more time than we do. It’s time to embrace what scares me and do it anyway!

Writing Goals of 2019

  • Post writing updates Wednesday and Sundays for accountability with A Round of Words in 80 Days
  • Write daily no matter what life throws at me…even if it’s a voice dictation to Penman or a brain dump in Bear (wonderful apps by the way!) 
    • This is an absolute minimum of 30 minutes or 250 new words written.
  • Monthly Breakdowns for ROW 80:
    • January: 45k words (Counting some, but not all of what I have from NaNoWriMo since most will be rewritten.)
    • February: 75k words
    • March: Hit my goal of 90k for the first complete draft
  • Finish my first revised draft of Chasing Daylight by March 21st – end of ROW Round 1
  • No fewer than two rounds of edits on Chasing Daylight in 2019
    • 1st round edits done by June 30th
    • 2nd round edits done by Sept 30th
  • Write scared each and every day!

7 thoughts on “Writing Scared Since 2019”

  1. I like how you set your goals not only for the round, but for the year. It’s good to skeep in mind that this is a calling… it’s life as we live it, our words and ourselves. And to write scared is to write even when it seems impossible.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Last year reminded me of the same lesson, early on – my husband succumbed to pancreatic cancer on January 12.

    I’ve been doing a lot of things “scared” since then – because they have to be done, and because I’m still alive, and I’m not going to waste this one wild and precious life while I have it!

    Your goals are audacious! Happy to have you at ROW80, chasing daylight through the fear!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so sorry for your great loss, Shanjeniah. We also had a great many losses of loved ones last year, but I can’t imagine losing my husband. Prayers and positive thoughts for you. Your outlook is amazing!

      I’m curious, do you find that doing things scared frees you, in a way, and removes some of fear of failure?

      Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! I look forward to reading your updates!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I couldn’t imagine it either, until it was happening. He started not feeling well literally the day after our 20th anniversary.

        But we had that time. We made three beautiful babies together, and got to raise two of them together (we lost a son as a newborn in 2003). We had some epic adventures and some amazing backyards – we met at the Grand Canyon, and also lived in Yellowstone and the Everglades.

        He was my best friend. Some people never have that. I did.

        Jim’s motto was “Eat dessert first” – he was a chef. So that’s what the kids and I try to do, in a manner of speaking.

        All positive thoughts happily accepted – we’re just over a week away from the first anniversary of his death, and it’s a time of turbulent emotion.

        You know – I do find it liberating to do the Big Scary Thing – whatever that happens to be in any moment. The act of doing it is an accomplishment. After that, success or failure is kind of an afterthought – it’s facing the fear and forging through that carries the greater value.

        I’m good at encouragement (it’s kind of my superpower!). Happy to share some with you! =D

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